The situation in Bangkok turned bleak as the peace agreement that both sides had agreed to and one that had given many in the city hope for an end to the protests seems to have broken down. There has been scattered fighting between the red protesters and the army throughout the city of Bangkok and it appears that things are headed towards a major violent confrontation.
The true reason for the break down of the peace agreement will never be known to the public but some speculate it had to do with the red protesters demand that Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban turn himself into the police to face charges for the April 10 clash between the Thai army and red protesters that left 25 people dead.
Suthep did agree to turn himself in but instead of going to the police he reported to the DSI which angered the red protesters who feel that the DSI is too sympathetic to the current government. This apparent snub by the government led to increasing action by the red protesters which ultimately resulted in increased pressure by the military to try and contain the protesters.
With the peace talks completely broken down and both sides seemingly willing to fight to the death parts of downtown Bangkok are now starting to resemble a war zone. The Thai military have declared parts of Bangkok a live fire zone in their attempt to gain control over the city while the protesters have responded by setting fires and lighting off home made rockets.

Bangkok Podcast
I find it amazing that only 10 days ago I reported that the Thai government and the red protestors has reached an agreement for elections to be held in November and now the city seems to be turing into a battle zone. Due to the rapidly changing situation and in an attempt to provide more up to date information that doesn’t lend itself to video I’ve started Bangkok Podcast with long time Bangkok resident Greg Jorgensen. Join Greg and myself each week where we will discuss life in Bangkok, the latest news and interviews with some amazing Bangkok residents.
With the news changing so quickly it is impossible for me to make a new video everyday to try and keep on top of it. If you are looking for the latest breaking news on the situation in Thailand I would highly recommend following these excellent Bangkok twitterers:
@tulsathit – Updates, gossips, rants from Nation newsroom.
@terryfrd – Working for Bangkok Post producing web lessons for language learners.
@BKKApologist – Journalist. Bangkok Junkie. Gentleman Explorer.
@agnesdherbeys – Bangkok based French freelance photojournalist.
@bangkokpundit – Run the Bangkok Pundit blog.
@Anasuya – TV news correspondent.
@newley – Journalist in Bangkok.
@RichardBarrow – Richard Barrow has been living & working in Thailand since the early 1990’s.
@bangkokbugle – Blogging about the media and life in Thailand.
6 responses to “Is Thailand headed for civil war?”
An egocentric , bad leader just destroyed the country…
When’s the podcast up??
It’s up! Check it out at
Bangkok is burning, are you still alive?
I think you’re doing a pretty damn good job of updating considering all that’s going on right now. I know this post is a little old now. I hear things are cooling down right now. How long do you think it will be till things start getting back to norman? Or is there a chance that things might heat up again?
Looking forward to the podcasts.
.-= tikitravel´s last blog ..Phnom Sampeou =-.
Hey Kim, where you are hanging out these days? Back in Van?
Things are slowly getting back to normal here but the situation is far from resolved. The underlying issue as to why the reds started protesting hasn’t been addressed and so many feel there will be more protests before the next election.