Using a Thai Squat Toilet: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask
If you stick to tourist areas in Thailand there’s a chance you may have never run across the Thai Squat Toilet before but for those who have ventured beyond the safe confines of resorts hotels, McDonalds, and Lower Sukhumvit, the Thai Squat Toilet is a well known fixture of Thai culture. Fear not though. We…
Understanding Thai Street Addresses
One of the first things that many tourists and expats realize when they come to Thailand is that the Thai street addresses seem to make no sense. Actually, it does make sense but it is very different from the way we think of street addresses back in our countries so it takes a little getting…
Watching Thai TV Online
My Thai wife and I spend more and more time outside of Thailand and though she’s acclimated pretty well to the changes, the one thing that she always misses (besides really, really, really spicy Thai food and her family) is television shows from Thailand. Her English is good enough to watch farang television but what…
Using the iPhone in Bangkok
The iPhone 4 has been officially released in Bangkok. While many are eager to try the new phone from Apple, I have a warning for anyone still using the original 2G iPhone.
Bangkok Motorcycle Taxi
Living in Bangkok means having to deal with gridlock traffic. If speed is a priority nothing can beat a Bangkok motorcycle taxi.